Sunday, February 27, 2022


What Naoki Sanjugo
Wrote about the game of Go
Has cosmic application—

If one chooses to look on
Go as valueless, it is.
If choosing to look on it

As a thing of value, then
A thing of value it is.
But this is not true of games

Alone. Paradoxical
And arbitrary as games
Must be, they, for that reason

Throw into relief what all
Value and meaning must be,
The attributes created

By the human observer.
(We spell out human only
As we know of no other

Entity making meaning,
Yet.) Humans manufacture
Meaning in ways that humans

Themselves can’t quite understand,
Perhaps since meaning only
Arises from attention,

Perhaps since, if meaning must
Come from them, it’s not meaning,
Can’t be meaningful enough,

So that, on self-reflection,
Its bubble has to collapse.
Or perhaps, as meaning is

As paradoxical and
Arbitrary as any
Game, then if one sees meaning

As of absolute value,
Meaning is, and if one sees
Meaning valueless, it is.

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