Monday, February 7, 2022

Stromatolite Lite

Obviously, bodily
Functions are elaborate
And more complex than ideas.

For this, languages should shun
Neither one nor the other.
The trillion-molecule waltz

Choreographed to turn food
Into energy and waste
Is more ancient than any

Wisdom. Near the beginning
Of that waltz, the molecules
Themselves were mostly the same

As they are in you today,
Body we presume can read,
Perforce digesting something,

But the process was simpler
For unicellular lives
Fizzing out waste oxygen.

It’s still simpler for many.
Simple life never ended.
Decorations were added.

Blue whales are decorations.
Humans are decorations.
Ideas are decorations

For now, but, the way life goes,
We expect we’ll be getting
Decorations of our own,

Multicellular empires
Of elaborate, live minds
Someday. Which will also shit

Something that passes as waste
From great thoughts too intricate
For these words to imagine,

Although we may imagine
Our distant, simple offspring
Still parasitizing them.

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