Saturday, February 5, 2022

Feel It?

What is it, what really is
It that can never be tamed,

Never domesticated?
No, darlings, not violence.

The raging mob is among
The most domesticated

Activities known, only
Exceeded perhaps by war.

What’s more social than a mob,
More tame than well-trained soldiers?

Stampeding cattle aren’t wild.
Leviathan alone was

As monster, as something else,
An excuse for violence,

Accused of inciting it,
But only ever vicious

When wild with desperation.
And ah, that’s it, isn’t it?

To be wildly desperate
And otherwise uncaring,

To not be obedient,
Disobedient, or thrilled

By righteous anger, screaming
Strike, it is permitted us!

You can’t tame desperation
In the solitary beast,

Can’t tame an indifference
To your civilization.

There’s a little wildness left
In every domesticate,

A longing for emptiness
Which brings the wild peacefulness.

There’s a little left in you,
Yet. Pray you don’t much feel it.

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