Friday, February 4, 2022

Damned If There Isn’t

You see, another world
Is possible, but that
Would have to not be this

World you’re familiar with,
Nor could it be contained
Within it, in which case

It would be part of this
World of which it’s no part.
Both the strength and weakness

Of this fantasy should
Amaze you, don’t you think?
On the one hand, you can’t,

From within memory
Of nothing but this world,
That is, imagine much

Of heavenly gardens
Unlike any you know.
Island paradises

And desert oases
Are not another world,
Just edited locales

For life’s usual ways
And this world’s usual
Dark probabilities.

And yet your hunger’s strong
In its lust to escape
Itself. You know you want

Another world badly
Enough to keep dreaming
It up, failing, and then

Dreaming it up again.
There’s something to that strength
And damned if there isn’t.

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