Thursday, October 17, 2024

Please Visit This Humble Supplicant

Anything should be on the table
If the commodity’s contentment.
That’s what so easily fools people.

Contentment can’t be commodified.
Beyond tricks of domestication,
Commodification may have been

The most empowering invention.
From long before the first breweries
And bakeries, probably, the mind

Has been finding ways to assemble
Domesticated crops or cattle
With self-domesticated humans

To make any named thing countable
And the same quickly more of the same,
As if names could eternalize things.

It’s been so successful that people
Overlook its omnipresence and
Think of exchanges of countable,

Stable, multiple, identical
Experiences as if they’re goods.
The sense of contentment just happens

To count among experiences
That can’t be reliably exchanged
Or made capital, well-reified.

So any effort to purchase it
Will likely be a miss. Contentment
Is one of the old gods. Pray to it.

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