Monday, October 7, 2024

One Way to Be Wise

The HVAC repairer lifts
His ladder under one arm,
Bright sweat beading his forehead,

And says, It’s a such a cool world,
This moment we’re living in.
His sentiment delights you.

What? No tirade? Wonderful.
Full of wonder, wonderful.
A lizard scoots on the stones

Xeriscaping the circle
That completes your neighborhood.
Possibly, That lizard’s genes

Have already been sequenced,
Muses the repairer as
The repaired unit kicks on.

He’s someone who loves new worlds
Folded into ancient ones.
He says he wants to study

Classical mythology.
He’s taking an online class
On motorcycle repair.

You can’t resist asking him
If anyone’s named Pirsig
Among family members.

No. He asks you why you ask.
You tell him about the book,
Which you only remember

For persuading you, briefly,
That you’d learned a deep secret
About the ways to be wise.

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