Sunday, September 22, 2024

Faith in Meaning

Someone brings out a soda,
Handing it over to you,
And now you have to decide

How this transaction’s going.
Where will you hunt for meaning,
Now meaning has been hinted?

In the transaction itself?
Something to do with context?
The man who bears a striking

Likeness to Solzhenitsyn
And is currently holding
Forth on the Apocalypse,

Jesus, and astrology?
Frost said the moment he held
His breath composing Stopping

By Woods was actually when
He committed to the rhyme.
What’s trickiest in this scene

And what can you do with it?
It has to have some meaning,
The ominous bystander

Growls, as meaningfully as
Solzhenitsyn lecturing
Secular Americans.

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