Sunday, September 29, 2024

Dragonfly with Crutches

Do you, did you belong to the times
In which you grew up, or to stories

About what was happening to you?
What times exist without tales of them?

Probably not yours. Let’s guess you’re theirs,
Thanks to belonging to their stories.

You and all the stories part of you,
And all the stories that you’re part of.

The big, generational stories
That lump people scattered over years,

Historical stories of events
That shadowed the world during your life.

And the little things like when you went
To get a tattoo with your father

And pushed your way through nos and maybes
And one last-minute cancellation,

To wind up at sunset by the lake,
Getting a small dragonfly design

With a secondary black graphic
Of lean black crutches superimposed

On the insect’s abdomen to wear
On your wrist for the rest of your life.

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