Monday, July 10, 2023

Waves of What Just Is

You could surrender them both,
Free will and material
Causation. They don’t sit well

Together, it’s true, the you
That’s at least part free agent
With belief in causation

As a continuous line
Of push and consequences.
Something’s got to give. But why

Just one? You can’t have them both,
But you still could have neither.
You perch on the precipice

At Lava Point, savoring
The cool, high altitude air,
And you feel as if you chose

To travel the long road here,
But you reason many small
Nudges and influences

Must have accumulated
Enough to propel you here
To this vista on this day,

And, like most human beings
In your cultural context,
You feel that your reasoning

And your feelings can be said
To offer distinct reasons,
Can be said to be opposed.

But they’re one web, reasoning
And feeling, experienced
As you experience them,

And neither can prevent you
From thinking neither exists
In the waves of what just is.

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