Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Rose and Grey Disposes

Misguided still means guided
Somewhere, still means. So many
Implicated things. Someone

Or something is misguiding.
Misguidance is destructive,
The opposite of guidance,

Leading away, possibly
Deliberately, even
Maliciously, but also

Possibly by innocent
Mistake. The meaning doesn’t
Shrink with the added prefix.

To guide’s a verb. Misguided
Is an entire narrative,
A one-word biography.

Intent comes into question,
Also gullibility.
It’s why moths make metaphors

Clear enough to tire of them.
You know why the light matters,
More or less—you understand

The nature of the mistake,
As far as the light’s concerned,
But the dive into the pyre,

The last embrace is baffling.
You assume it means something
Overrides preservation.

You half-imply an agent,
A guide, whether malicious
Or mistaken, since what life

Would be so self-destructive
Unless misled? Your street lamps
Gather more uncounted dead.

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