Wednesday, March 8, 2023


A real character sidles
Up to you and announces,
This is where I live! The light

Looks odd on the silhouette
As you squint back, uncertain
What’s the best strategy here.

No, really! I live here now!
This is my place. You’re outside,
In a retail area.

You ask which place exactly
And regret you asked. The Earth!
You’re walking but being matched

Stride for stride. The whole Earth, huh.
Earth has a lot of places,
You mutter, more to yourself.

Ah! Spoken like a local!
A native. Were you born here?
What, you mean on Earth? you ask.

Yes, of course, where else? I’m not.
You pause for a second look.
Why’s it so hard to focus?

I’m new here. But I like it!
I live here now! It’s my place.
I’m not sure it’s mine, you say.

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