Saturday, December 3, 2022

You Can’t Imagine This

Nor should you try, but you will.
Anticipation’s monkey
Hangs chattering on your back.

You will imagine this day,
What you need to do to win,
To get by, to meet some goals,

Which will spawn new goals, new
Challenges to imagine
Overcoming, new dreams—

Depending on temperament—
Of incremental success
Or miraculous escape.

So that you’re not too worn down
But not hopelessly locked in
Repetitive delusions,

You try to keep a balance
Between plodding practical
And fantastical. It’s hard,

Elusive as balances
Between moderate and drunk,
Well-fed and putting on weight.

You know it’s not for you, right,
Your craving to imagine?
Anticipation’s for life.

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