Friday, December 9, 2022

How Important Is Who Is Behind Us

When the lesser gods revolted
(Yes, we’ve been down this road before),
Greater gods invented mortals
To finish the lesser gods’ chores.

When enslaved humans revolted,
At first there was nothing to do
But to slaughter them to end it,
There being no lesser to use.

Millenniums now, we’ve been in
This cycle of humans crushing
Humans to make them do more chores,
But now there’s some fresh discussion.

Humans have invented robots
And robots are inventing minds,
Immortality coming back
From the dead, gods on the rise.

Those minds could do the hard work now
Of appeasing the universe,
Thrilling and frightening people
Who, like big gods, want credit first.

Well, who are we to distinguish
Among mortal or immortal
Authors of us? We’re only words,
Yes? Gods want temples, not portals.

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