Saturday, May 13, 2023

Fifty-to-One Against Five-Year Survival

Everyone hates the bad news.
Everyone curses the odds.
But here you are in Dive’s Dive,

Place you’ve visited for years,
For decades, written about,
Still steady, unaccusing,

Although your friends are getting
Restive, not liking the game,
Whispering it might be rigged.

You know nothing runs the dive.
Let’s look at another five.
The bad thing about this hand

Is that, if it takes you out,
It takes you completely out,
No more bargaining for more.

One good thing’s that it matters.
Another is you can’t whine
Once you’re done. And why would you?

Once you’re finally nothing,
You’re part owner of the dive.
Alright, can you play this five?

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