Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Brave Performances

An artist is nude and in peril
For the same reason artists paint nudes
To their and the nudes’ peril, the same

Reason you have dreams you’re in peril
Or nude or surrounded by people,
Most of whom are nude, to your peril.

Human bodies are vulnerable,
Ridiculously so, dependent
On other human bodies and more,

Far more than that, on the assistance
And tailored accoutrements of tongues
And other human technologies

To steer clear of pain, skins unbitten
By bigger creatures, smaller creatures,
Frostbite, or the backbiting of kin.

Performance is that perilous form
Of dreaming naked without being
Nude, without being vulnerable

In the exact manner emperors
And killers remain vulnerable,
The reminders of which reoccur

Every time a tyrant is murdered
In bath or in bed, the assassins
Flayed, stripped, paraded, drawn and quartered—

We dream we are drawn in close quarters,
Exposed to the artist, the artist
Exposed, all of us doomed to lost clothes.

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